Training Pillar
ChangeMakers® Training Program
We have created a system of practical training to enable those that are homeless to gain employment. It is a program that teaches, trains, and connects those that are unemployed or considered unemployable.
Our goal is to give dignity, confidence, and independence to those that have given up hope of what would be considered a ‘normal’ life and have thus reverted to dependency on charity and government subsidies.

What is ChageMakers®?
ChangeMakers® by PiN Ministry, simply put is a pathway out of homelessness. We start with the premise that God has laid out the instructions and patterns for someone to be successful in work and in life. A holistic approach designed by re-introducing a person to structure and forming constructive personal and occupational habits. We help people to be independent, self-sufficient, and in control of their future. When you have the opportunity to make better choices in life, you have the opportunity to choose life.
This groundbreaking program operates in three stages:
First Stage: 2 Weeks of Housing and Acclimation
Second Stage: 6 Weeks of Education
Third Stage: 0-8 Weeks of Job Search & Housing Assistance
Why Does it Work?
The answer is simple: Jesus. All of our lessons come back to Biblical-principled lessons to show students how to put on the mind of Christ during difficult job-related situations. We offer Christian fellowship and accountability support both during the program and after. Most students claim that they have never seen the world from this point of view before, and it has radically changed their lives.

Program Particulars
ChangeMakers® sessions begin every March and September.
Once graduated, students are allowed to live within PiN’s housing program for a short time as they job hunt, get their career restarted, and build up enough of a financial nest egg to make initial rent and deposit payments for their own housing. PiN Ministry staff and business partners aid in the job search process. It’s an amazing opportunity.
PiN is proud to report that 9 out of 10 graduates have earned a livable wage job within a month of course completion!
Interested in Enrolling in ChangeMakers®?
ChangeMakers® is currently open to those living on the street in Virginia Beach who regularly attend PiN Ministry services and functions. There is a rigorous application process with multiple interviews. All applicants need to have any drug or alcohol addictions under control before entering (please consider attending our recovery program for preliminary help).
If this sounds like the program for you, please speak with Tony Galiardi during your next visit to PiN Ministry.

Want to Help Make a Difference?
We need teachers, businesses, professionals, curriculum writers, mentors, encouragers, and people to share love as students take their first steps towards their goals.